Mastering the Art of Stunning Underwater Macro Photography
Underwater Macro Photography is an interesting form of art. This tutorial will give you the tools you need to create stunning underwater photographs.
A thrill went through me as I listened to the briefing before the dive. This dive would be a singular experience, rare as a hen’s tooth, and one I had anticipated for several years. Happening just once a year, by the light of the full moon, an event of epic proportions takes place in the South Pacific.
To some, scuba diving may seem like an extreme sport, while others view it as a relaxing activity. But a new adrenaline rush is emerging in the scuba community as one of the “must do” activities in the sport, especially among underwater photographers. It is called Blackwater diving.
As a new diver, Brook Peterson came to appreciate the beauty
of the underwater world, but not all diving is rainbow reefs and
unicorn fish. Muck diving is just what it sounds like: scuba diving
over an a barren seafloor covered in rubble, dead coral and
even man-made trash. Read on as Brook writes about her first
encounter with the intrinsic beauty hidden in the muck
Traveling to Tonga as a dive destination was never at the top of my list. But then a friend invited...
For Europeans, the Red Sea is as common a dive destination as the Caribbean is to US Citizens. Although the...
Each major diving destination has its “sweet spot;” that delicious area that is rich in bio-diversity and like a decadent...
I am preparing for a workshop that focuses on wide angle underwater photography and lighting. Since I have been thinking...