Mastering the Art of Stunning Underwater Macro Photography
Underwater Macro Photography is an interesting form of art. This tutorial will give you the tools you need to create stunning underwater photographs.
Several years ago, I had been following Susannah H. Snowden-Smith on Facebook and Instagram, when I took a vacation to...
As underwater photographers, we are very concerned about backscatter and how to remove it from our photos. I was recently reminded how important it is to prevent backscatter in the first place, something all underwater photographers should focus attention on if we are ever to be taken seriously. These tips will help you be a good photographer first, and a good photo editor second.
Meet Mok Wai Hoe, a talented underwater nature photographer from Singapore. His images are mesmerizing and inspiring. His creativity has earned him some prestigious awards and well deserved accolades and we are pleased to introduce him as our latest Featured Photographer.
The world of underwater images ranges from beautiful wide-angle reef scenes to tiny unusual animals and even dabbles in the...