Mastering Close Focus Wide Angle Photography
Close-Focus Wide Angle Photography is one of the most important techniques in underwater photography. But what, exactly, does CFWA mean, and…..
Meet Mok Wai Hoe, a talented underwater nature photographer from Singapore. His images are mesmerizing and inspiring. His creativity has earned him some prestigious awards and well deserved accolades and we are pleased to introduce him as our latest Featured Photographer.
Sometimes we have an image that needs just a little punch to give it that edge we are looking for....
When it comes to wildlife photography, Rick Beldegreen is the wild cat’s meow! His captivating images have mesmerized viewers both...
Introducing Michelle Manson! Michelle is an underwater photographer in Northern California whose images depict the unique marine environment of the...
The world of underwater images ranges from beautiful wide-angle reef scenes to tiny unusual animals and even dabbles in the...