Inspired by Dr. Seuss and all the exotic animals under the sea that resemble exotic animals in the zoo.
If I ran the zoo, and I think I will do,
my zoo would have all kinds of fish in it too!
A four-footed lion’s not much of a beast
but lion fish! Now that would be something at least!
A tiger is big and a tiger is loud
but my fish zoo would make all the little things proud
For it would be home to a shrimp of a cat
The “tiger shrimp” as a matter of fact.
A bumbling bee upon land you may see
buzzing by flowers as wild as can be.
But if you look down, deep under the sea
A bumble bee shrimp lives there, happy and free.
How could we forget, of course! Of course!
A zoo’s not complete without a miniature horse!
There’s some of those too in my undersea zoo
For the pygmy sea horse is part of the crew.
A zebra has stripes, as everyone knows
So of course my zoo will have one of those
but my zebra will also have claws and six feet
For a Zebra Crab I would fancy to meet!
And speaking of crabs, here’s one you should see
The orangutan crab will delight you and me.
A monkey with claws and long red hair,
Who knew all the animals living down there?
Surely a rhino should live in my zoo
I know just exactly the right thing to do.
A Rhinoceros Shrimp is the perfect solution
for my silly, watery, fish zoo revolution.
A Clown! A Clown! I won’t let you down!
For my zoo will not let you leave with a frown!
The star of the show is a little Nemo!
the last thing you’ll see before you go.
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